Will Tendonitis in My Hip Go Away on Its Own?

Will Tendonitis in My Hip Go Away on Its Own?

Tendonitis is the inflammation and degeneration of the thick cords attaching muscles to bones. Tendons have poor blood supply, so they heal slower. However, most cases of tendonitis go away on their own with rest. 

If inflammation in your tendon persists and doesn’t get better with rest, it can cause your tendon to tear. Torn tendons are repaired surgically. 

Our experts at LA Pain Doctor are here to explain what raises your risk for tendonitis and when tendonitis should prompt a medical visit to one of our six offices throughout Louisiana. 

Tendonitis causes 

Tendonitis is often caused by overuse. For example, if you developed tendonitis in your right hip, an irritated knee in the opposite leg may have caused your hip muscles and tendons to overcompensate. 

Certain activities, especially when done daily, raise your risk for tendonitis. These include:

These activities can also cause tendonitis when there’s a sudden progression in the absence of adequate training. 

Tendonitis symptoms 

The most common symptom of tendonitis is pain when flexing your hip and tenderness when palpating your pelvis. Other symptoms include poor mobility in your hip after prolonged periods of stress and discomfort when using your hip muscles. 

Diagnosing hip tendonitis 

Whether or not your tendonitis will go away on its own depends on the extent of the damage done to your tendons.

Signs that you may need to see a medical professional include pain that doesn’t get better with rest, tenderness in your hip and high fever, feeling a lump on your tendon, and a crackling sound when moving your hip.

Diagnosis includes checking for flexibility and range of motion. In certain cases, our staff may recommend an MRI to determine the severity of your tendon damage. 

Treating hip tendonitis 

Mild hip tendonitis is usually treated with rest and painkillers that reduce the inflammation in your hip. 

Physical therapy is another treatment that can be used for mild to moderate tendonitis, as it can decrease inflammation and pain. Physical therapy may involve treating muscle imbalances (for example, a weak glute can sometimes contribute to hip tendonitis), massage, cold laser therapy, and electrical stimulation. 

Knee orthotics may also be helpful if you have a misalignment in your leg bones and your weight is unevenly distributed. Surgery is only used as a last-resort treatment for damaged tissue in a torn tendon. 

If your hip is causing you pain, contact us to schedule an appointment. We can provide expert advice and a tailored treatment plan. Call LA Pain Doctor today or schedule an appointment online at any of our offices in Metairie, Laplace, Harvey, New Orleans, Luling, and Hammond, Louisiana.

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