What Conditions Will Joint Injections Help?

Chronic joint pain can change your life for the worse. When every movement you make causes excruciating pain or when you’re limited by joint swelling and stiffness, you’re likely missing out on too much of your life.

But you certainly don’t have to live that way.

At LA Pain Doctor, interventional pain specialists, Firas Hijazi, MD, and Satvik Munshi, MD, offer customized treatment plans to help you find relief from chronic joint pain. They successfully use joint injections to treat a variety of conditions that cause pain in your neck, back, hips, and other joints.

Versatility of joint injections for chronic pain

The experienced pain management team at LA Pain Doctor uses joint injections to treat a broad range of conditions. You may be a candidate for joint injections if you suffer joint pain that’s not treatable with oral medications or other therapies.

Joint injections can address persistent pain that stems from underlying conditions like:

To determine if you’ll benefit from a joint injection, the LA Pain Doctor team does a comprehensive review of your medical history, previous treatments, and the severity of your joint pain.

What to expect during a joint injection

During your appointment for a joint injection, your LA Pain Doctor provider injects a corticosteroid to alleviate inflammation in the affected joint. They may also add an anesthetic medication to disrupt the pain signals that are traveling to your brain.

If you have difficulty moving your joint due to a degenerative disease, you may also benefit from injections of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in your body that lubricates your joint. Extra acid helps you move with less discomfort. 

To ensure the precise placement of the joint injection, your provider may use the guidance of fluoroscopy, a real-time X-ray technology. With this information, they can deliver steroids and other medications exactly where you need it most.

The beneficial results of joint injections

A joint injection is a relatively simple, minimally invasive procedure that the LA Pain Doctor team provides in a comfortable office environment. This treatment offers minimal risk for side effects and any redness or soreness you experience goes away within a few days.

Initially after a joint injection you may feel a difference in the severity of your pain right away. Some people do experience an increase in their joint discomfort before the medications take effect, while others enjoy less pain immediately.

As the corticosteroid reduces inflammation, you should notice a significant decrease in swelling and joint stiffness in the weeks after your treatment. These results help you increase your physical activity to rebuild your natural joint strength. Exercises can also improve your joint flexibility and range of motion, which minimizes your risk for additional joint pain down the road.

You may find relief of your persistent joint pain after just one injection, but your provider can also recommend additional injections if needed, so you can stay physically active and pain-free in the long term.

To find out if you’re a candidate for treatment with joint injections for chronic pain, call the LA Pain Doctor office nearest you or request a consultation through the online booking system today. 

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