The Difference Between Scoliosis and Kyphosis

The Difference Between Scoliosis and Kyphosis

What’s causing your back pain? Spinal conditions like scoliosis and kyphosis may be the root cause of your back pain problems.

At LA Pain Doctor, our team of pain management specialists can help you better understand the root cause of your back pain, and recommend treatment options that can work for you. We provide pain relief support to patients from our locations in Metairie, Laplace, Harvey, New Orleans, and Luling, Louisiana.

Back pain and curvature of your spine

Your spine runs from the top of your neck at the base of your skull down to your tailbone in your lower back. Your spinal column, made up of small vertebral bones and cushioning discs, supports the whole weight of your head, torso, and upper body, letting you bend and move freely.

Spinal problems account for many cases of back pain, especially in older adults. Conditions like scoliosis and kyphosis, that cause improper curvature of your spine, distribute pressure abnormally, often resulting in symptoms of increased pain and dysfunction.

Different types of spinal curvature

Your spine can curve abnormally in different locations and directions. Normally, your spine curves gently at your neck, chest, and lower back, forming a flattened ‘S’ curve. What’s the difference between scoliosis and kyphosis, both of which involve abnormal curvature of your spine?

If you have scoliosis, your spine abnormally curves in a sideways fashion, sometimes taking the shape of an exaggerated letter ‘S’ or a ‘C’. Scoliosis often appears when children are growing up and getting bigger. Girls have a higher risk of scoliosis, which tends to run in families. Annual screenings during childhood seek to catch cases of scoliosis early.

If you have kyphosis, your spine curves forward, creating slouching posture and a rounded, hunchback shape. Kyphosis can affect people of any age, but most typically start to appear in adults as wear-and-tear takes a toll on the bones and ligaments of your spine, and can be quite painful. Kyphosis in teens may be the type known as Scheuermann disease.

Treating scoliosis and kyphosis

Once the LA Pain Doctor team examines your spine, we can diagnose abnormal curvature issues, including kyphosis and scoliosis. Depending on the details of your condition, we recommend a treatment plan to resolve your condition and prevent spinal degeneration from getting any worse.

You could benefit from treatments and therapies including:

To learn more about your treatment options for spinal conditions like kyphosis and scoliosis that can cause chronic or acute back pain, stiffness, and loss of range of motion, get in touch with the team at LA Pain doctor today. 

Schedule your initial consultation appointment over the phone, or request an appointment online now.

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