My Back Surgery Failed: What Should I Do Now?

My Back Surgery Failed: What Should I Do Now?

If you had surgery to reduce your chronic back pain, which affects millions of adults in the United States alone, the last thing you want is continued pain. Unfortunately, while back surgery successfully relieves many people, 40% of patients end up with just that — continued pain.

Also known as Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS), this condition can interfere with your daily life and make way for complications, such as falls and injuries. 

At LA Pain Doctor, located in Metairie, LaPlace, Harvey, Luling, and Hammond, Louisiana, Drs. Firas Hijazi, Satvik Munshi, and their team diagnose and treat back pain to help you return to your favorite activities and lead a fuller life.

Take a few minutes to learn more about post-surgical back pain, including ways we can help.

Why back surgery fails

Failed back surgery can stem from a range of issues, such as your overall health and the technical execution of the procedure. For example, you can end up with ongoing pain if a bone particle remains near your nerves. Pain related to nerve damage can also happen if you develop arachnoiditis, a condition involving the buildup of scar tissue.

While anyone can experience pain after failed back surgery, your risk is higher if you smoke, have spinal instability, or move inappropriately during your healing process. Exercising too soon or intensely, for example, before your doctor’s go-ahead could lead to lasting aches. 

In other cases, back surgery only goes so far. In other words, it is necessary to get additional treatments to bring you sufficient relief. 

FBSS symptoms

Failed back surgery affects people differently, both in symptom type and severity. Once your recovery period is well on its way, here are some of the signs to look out for:

If one or more of these symptoms happen briefly or occasionally, you may not need additional treatment. However, treatment is likely if your symptoms are severe, frequent, or ongoing.

What to do about failed back surgery

If your back surgery was unsuccessful, our team at LA Pain Doctor can get to the root of your symptoms and recommend an effective treatment plan after an exam. 

We may recommend the following depending on the specifics of your condition:

We may recommend one treatment or several in tandem, such as improved sleeping and exercise habits plus medication and physical therapy sessions. Your results will help us determine whether your treatment plan needs tweaking.

To find out more about what to do after failed back surgery or get started with the pain management care you need, call our office nearest you today. You can also request an appointment on our website’s booking feature.

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